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Jeremy Bossio |
4 Pervasive Myths About Inflation Inflation can feel inescapable these days. For most of us, it also feels like inflation is higher and more persistent than it actually is. 1 That could be because we’re seeing higher prices practically everywhere. 1 Despite our experience, though, that misperception can actually harm us. It can also be bad for inflation in general. 1 That’s because thinking inflation is worse than it is can stoke our fears of...
Can you relate to any of the following? “I should have bought that stock before the company went public!” “What a shame — I wish I had invested in that new tech before it went mainstream!” What’s the next “unicorn” that will make a fortune?” It’s common to feel this way. Many of us experience “fear of missing out” — or FOMO — in our financial lives. 1 When we do, it can cloud our...
As a long-term investor, you’re always thinking about what factors drive your investment returns. Unfortunately, many investors focus on things that cause short-term changes and actually have no impact on long-term market returns. It’s not their fault – these myths are so commonly believed that many so-called “savvy investors” would preach to you of their importance. To help you make informed investment decisions, let’s look at three investment factors that, contrary to popular belief, don’t...